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How to use a vendor comparison matrix

When selecting a vendor, it can be difficult to visualize the differences between offers. Indeed, this is particularly complex when reviewing RFPs. Luckily, a vendor comparison mat...

A beginner’s guide to procurement analytics

Procurement analytics has been a hot topic among supply chain and procurement professionals for several years. Indeed, in 2019, Deloitte’s annual CPO survey focused heavily on th...

RFI vs RFQ vs RFP: Which should it be?

How do you know if you should use an RFI vs RFP vs RFQ?  It all comes down to what you’re trying to accomplish. While they all help organizations gather information from vendors...

Award notification letter template

Share the good news with your new vendor. At the end of your RFP process, after scoring and evaluating the proposals, it’s time to make your selection. Once you’ve selected th...

Best new product features for 2022

We all knew that 2021 was going to be a major upgrade to 2020. There was nowhere to go but up. But, wow, it ended up being a huge leap forward for Responsive (formerly RFPIO) and o...

10 ways RFPIO customers can strengthen security

$4.35 million. That’s the global average cost of a data breach in 2019, according to Statista. So it’s no wonder that companies invest heavily in cybersecurity. By 2025, it'...