RFP software for procurement and strategic sourcing

RD Symms headshot

RD Symms

Feb 12th, 2020

3 min read

Find the best vendor or supplier for every strategic purchase with more efficient RFPs that help you make more effective decisions.

  • Shrink timelines and make better decisions
  • Make objective, data-driven decisions
  • Manage the entire RFP process in one place

There’s a better way to make strategic buying decisions.

Identifying products and services that support your organization’s goals and strategy isn’t easy. Plus, there’s a lot of pressure to make the right choices.

If your RFP process also is disorganized or relies on Word, Excel, email and other tools not fit for purpose, the task becomes even more challenging.

Procurement teams that use RFP360 have a different experience — issuing RFPs that deliver on-target results quickly, easily and intelligently.

Select vendors based on objective scoring evaluations.

Eliminating guesswork is a key part of your job. But when it comes to issuing traditional RFPs, many responses you get from vendors are difficult to quantify. It’s also tricky to get consistent scoring you can count on.

With RFP360, it’s simple to establish clear scoring criteria and conduct side-by-side evaluations using innovative comparison tools. And because our RFPs are digital, you can collect answers in a structured data format wherever it makes sense.

Improve vendor management and their experience.

Collecting valuable responses from engaged vendors or suppliers should be the goal of every RFP. Unfortunately, the typical process falls short. Participation is hit or miss, and potential providers are reluctant to put in the necessary time and effort.

Our full-circle approach changes that dynamic — providing an intuitive, digital experience for every vendor you invite. They quickly respond to your RFP with quality answers inside RFP360, and you easily manage contacts, track progress, create short lists and more.

Want better RFP outcomes? You’re not alone.

While RFPs and other information requests are powerful, valuable and popular procurement tools, they also can be a source of real frustration for everyone involved in the process.

In the first study of its kind, Art of Procurement surveyed more than 150 procurement leaders to learn more about their request management processes. The result? A must-read account of data insights that can simplify and improve your RFx outcomes.

Stay organized and collaborate in one tool.

Regardless of the product or service you’re evaluating, if it involves an information request (RFP, RFQ or RFI), our workflow and collaboration features save you time and effort. You can rapidly set up a project, building and distributing an RFx in minutes.

More efficiencies follow every step of the way, as your colleagues work together anytime, anywhere in a single cloud-based tool. You collaborate with responding teams there too — communicating, evaluating and negotiating effortlessly.

Improve procurement reporting with a 360° view.

The procurement function is more visible and influential than ever, as organizations are more aware of the role it plays in change management and strategy attainment. That’s the reason collecting, analyzing and reporting on RFP data is vital.

Because all RFx activity takes place in our RFP management system, you can easily surface data trends that inform your reporting, auditing and forecasting responsibilities. You also get an overview of every project, putting valuable insights at your fingertips.