Speed up RFPs and make smarter, faster decisions

Create, evaluate, and score RFx faster with advanced AI for more strategic decisions and the best vendor fit.

Select the right vendors with AI-driven confidence

Speed up RFx creation with robust automation
Draft RFx quickly using trusted organizational knowledge and Responsive AI, reducing hours of work to just minutes
Collaborate with colleagues, no matter where they are
Request elaboration or clarification, or ask vendors follow-up questions — all within the Responsive Platform
Risk-free decision-making with advanced scoring
Leverage intelligent scoring to improve speed, accuracy, and transparency in evaluation
Effortless real-time vendor management
Manage proposal evaluation and selections fast, and conduct regular vendor performance evaluations and supplier risk assessments.

Win more deals and wow your audience

Finish RFXs and questionnaires fast to deliver standout responses and boost your brand.

Resources for procurement teams

Responsive AI agents screenshot

Introducing Responsive AI agents

BPC Dublin, Ireland 2025 live event
Live Event

Meet the Responsive team at BPC Dublin, Ireland

SRM AI Handbook cover

The AI Handbook for Strategic Response Management
