Responsive AI Supplementary Terms
December, 2023
Table of Contents
- Subscription Terms and Subscriptions. Subscription Terms and Subscriptions.
- Improving Responsive AI. Improving Responsive AI.
- Input and Output. Input and Output.
- Responsive AI Feature Use Restrictions.Responsive AI Feature Use Restrictions.
- Service Level Terms Not Applicable. Service Level Terms Not Applicable.
These terms and conditions (the “Responsive AI Terms”) are an integral part of the Master Subscription Agreement or other written subscription agreement in which Responsive licenses its software to its Customers (“you”, “your”) (the “Agreement”). They apply to your access and use of any Responsive AI feature(s) and, if applicable, your Responsive AI Add-On Subscription. Terms used herein shall have the same meaning as in the Agreement.
“Responsive AI” refers to any feature(s) or functionality provided by Responsive that utilizes data models trained by machine learning for strategic response management, including but not limited to RFPs, RFIs, DDQs, ESG questionnaires, Security Questionnaires, Vendor Risk Assessments, and proposal generation.
Subscription Terms and Subscriptions.
Features and functionality of Responsive AI Add-On Subscriptions are outlined on our website and Documentation for the applicable Subscription Plan. Unless otherwise stated, the Subscription Term for a Responsive AI Add-On shall align with your primary Subscription Term to the Software, including any renewal Subscription Terms.
Your use of Responsive AI is subject to fair usage restrictions to ensure optimal performance and fair use across all Responsive AI users. Consequently, your access to AI features may be reduced by Responsive with reasonable advance notice or may require an upgrade or additional purchase.
Improving Responsive AI.
Responsive does not use Customer Data to train the machine learning models for Responsive AI. Your use of Responsive AI does not grant us any rights to Customer Data for training purposes.
Responsive may use anonymized data from Your use of Responsive AI for model improvement when you provide voluntary feedback or give explicit permission.
Input and Output.
Input provided by you to Responsive AI (“Input”) and the resulting output (“Output”) are considered data owned by you ( “Data”). You are responsible for the content and use of your Data, ensuring compliance with applicable laws, these Responsive AI Terms, the Agreement, and our Acceptable Use Policy. Output may not be unique and could be the same or similar to content generated for others.
Responsive AI Feature Use Restrictions.
You may not use Responsive AI or the Output to (i) develop competing models or services; (ii) falsely represent Output as solely human-generated; (iii) create spam content; or (iv) violate any usage guidelines or technical parameters.
Responsive makes no warranty as to the results obtained from the use of Responsive AI. Use is at your own risk. Do not rely solely on Output without independent verification. Output may contain inaccuracies and does not account for events or changes occurring after AI model training.
Service Level Terms Not Applicable.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in your Agreement, any Downtime resulting from third-party service failures is not included in Availability and Downtime calculations.