Participate in Marketplace360, a virtual forum and RFP database inside our platform that connects organizations on all sides of the RFP process.
- Increase visibility
- Win more business
- Find better suppliers
More choices, more opportunities. Our complete platform offers both.
If your RFP software isn’t used by buyers AND sellers, your organization is really missing out.
Whether you issue RFPs to find the best supplier or you respond to RFPs to win new business, RFP360 dramatically simplifies both of those processes.
There’s also another critical benefit. We bring the sides together in one place — Marketplace360.

How can you benefit from RFP automation?
The RFP process is quickly evolving as organizations apply automation technology to speed turnaround times, eliminate errors, mitigate risk, increase quality and more. Here’s an insightful article that offers advice for evaluating whether RFP automation is a good fit.
Elevate your profile so more RFPs come your way.

When you’re trying to grow your business, it’s important to be as visible as possible. That’s the reason we created Marketplace360 — to make sure your product or service is right there when buyers begin their vendor search:
- Complete a profile and select the categories that apply to your business, proactively identifying your offerings and expertise
- Ensure your profile surfaces as organizations prepare relevant RFPs, RFIs or other strategic sourcing requests in RFP360
Find the best possible vendors without a lengthy search.

Keeping track of known vendors can be difficult. Identifying potential new ones that are unknown or unfamiliar can be even more challenging. RFP360 simplifies the entire vendor process, from identification to evaluation:
- Get real-time visibility to suppliers early in the RFP process as you mine the growing RFP database within RFP360’s platform
- Eliminate the hassle of traditional searches, effortlessly inviting the right group of vendors to respond to your requests