4 Steps to Becoming a Top-Performing Proposal Team

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New research from Callan Consulting has unearthed actionable steps proposal teams can take to ensure they’re performing at their highest level. The research found that top proposal teams win 16% more RFPs and generate 55% of revenue from RFPs compared to 41% of revenue generated by other teams.

Watch Ed Callan – founder and CEO of Callan Consulting and Brett Chalmers — director of website and content marketing at Responsive (formerly RFPIO) — as they reveal Callan Consulting’s findings and the four steps you can take to ensure your team is at the top of its proposal game. In this webinar, you’ll:

  • Discover the practices, skills and technologies that leading response management organizations are using and the improved business impacts they are realizing as a result.
  • Access data that reflects top proposal teams’ impact on revenue and mitigating risk and that supports your case for technology and headcount investments.
  • Learn more about the emerging strategic response management category and how it helps validate proposal management’s contribution as an essential business operation.