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Slack + Responsive

Collaborate on proposals and access the Responsive Answer Library, all from the comfort of your favorite communication app.

Collaborate on Responsive projects from anywhere

Your entire team is already collaborating in Slack—why not accelerate the momentum? Simplify collaboration, knowledge sharing, and project management by linking Responsive to Slack.

With the Responsive-Slack integration, you can:

  • Send messages back-and-forth between collaborators on Responsive and Slack.
  • Search and recall Content Library content in any conversation or channel using the /responsive command.
  • Link Responsive projects to a designated Slack channel. All comments posted in Responsive will be delivered as notifications in the channel you’ve configured. If a particular user is mentioned, they will be notified in private chat as well.
  • Save conversations in Slack as a new question and answer pair in the Content Library, growing your organization’s knowledge base.

Learn more and get support

See our integrations in action

RFPIO's Salesforce integration is helping our business be more efficient and organized with RFPs and RFIs. We can easily view insights and progress with every RFP, right from Salesforce.

Alison Moeller, Team Lead, RFP & Sales Enablement, Accolade

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