Proposal Analytics: Time Saved Using Past Proposal Content

Wendy Gittleson

Jun 17th, 2015

2 min read

Table of Contents

No one likes a phony, which is why we practice what we preach. We don't just build proposal management software, we respond to RFPs and write proposals too. And it would be pretty ridiculous (and hypocritical) if we didn't use our own platform to do it.

Because we're in our system every day, we started wondering, how much time had we spent proposal writing for a given RFP? How much time had we saved reusing past work and content? So we decided to find out. 

We've launched a ton of new functionality this month, for both RFP Issuers as well as Responders. And after months of design and development, at long last we've released the first version of our Proposal Analytics.

What is Proposal Analytics?

Proposal Analytics aggregates and graphs how much time your team has spent writing new content as well how much time they've saved leveraging existing work. 

What's most exciting about this tool is it gives us a way to analyze our efforts. We can finally see what's working, and what we might need to change in our RFP process going forward. We finally have answers to questions like:

  1. How much time are we spending on proposals and questionnaires?
  2. Who is getting involved, and how much time are they spending on their responses?


Below is a snapshot of our RFP software proposal analytics in action, showing our actual team account. I blurred some client names and outlined some details (in orange). But the graph and table depict both my time SPENT and SAVED by using our platform.

You can clearly see my level of effort broken out according to each proposal and questionnaire. You can also see exactly how much time I saved recycling content from the Knowledge Base. In one of the questionnaires, I saved an entire hour because I had most all of the responses already written and stored.


Your time is invaluable. That's why "good technology" gives it back to you, managing the process, and empowering you to get back to the real work, the content. You need tools that help you analyze your process so you can see what's really worth your time (and what isn't). We want to give you just that.