
Launch new projects, evaluate bid opportunities, track proposal status, and check project metrics. All from Salesforce.

Your favorite CRM and response management platform, together at last

Your sales tech stack works best when it works together. Linking Responsive to Salesforce means shortening the sales cycle, streamlining your response process, and keeping sales and proposal operations in lock-step.

With the Responsive-Salesforce integration, you can:

  • Launch any Responsive project—including RFPs, RFIs, Security Questionnaires, and DDQs—directly from Salesforce.
  • Track progress at the project, section, and owner level with built-in executive dashboards and summaries.
  • Submit bid requests from Salesforce; bids will then be analyzed and qualified before being converted to an active project.
  • Publish completed Responsive packets to Salesforce under any client or opportunity page.
  • Build personalized proactive selling documents in Salesforce, using pre-approved content stored in the Responsive Content Library.
  • Gain insight into proposal operations by coupling Responsive’s built-in analytics with Salesforce Reports Builder.
  • Create custom workflows between Salesforce and Responsive, enhancing collaboration between sales and proposal teams.

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